What Happened In Infinity War 1-Infinity Stones-Spoiler Alert

Avengers : Infinity War part 1

Before the universe began, six singularities existed. Sometime after the universe exploded into existence, these were formed into six stones by the Cosmic Entities (Eternity, Infinity, Entropy, and Death). These stones were called Infinity Stones. They are namely:
    • Space Stone
    • Mind Stone
    • Reality Stone
    • Power Stone
    • Time Stone
    • Soul Stone

Descriptions are made according to the order they appeared in the movie. Thanos got all the stones after Avengers: Infinity War Part 1

Power Stone

The Power stone is an orb that is featured in the movie Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 1. The stone can manipulate energy and also possesses an incredible source of power that is capable of destroying planets.
At the Beginning of the movie, Thanos is in possession of the power stone. How he obtained the Power Stone is not shown in Infinity War. It is assumed that he went to the planet Xandar and forcefully took the stone from Nova corps.

  • Appearances: GOTG, AOU, Infinity War part 1
  • Previous Owner : Nova Corps
  • Current Owner : Thanos 

Space Stone

There is no doubt that you have seen this stone in many Marvel movies. The space stone is located within the Tesseract and has the power to open a gateway to travel across any part of the universe. In addition, it can also be used to create advanced weaponry.
At the beginning of Avengers: Infinity War, Thanos attacked the Asgardians ship that was last seen in Thor: Ragnarok. He captured Thor and Loki after eliminating all the crew of the ship. Hulk was teleported to Earth by Heimdall. After taking The Tesseract from Loki, Thanos killed him (Yes, Loki is dead, for now) and blew up the entire ship using the Power stone. The explosion throws Thor into space where he met the Guardians of the galaxy.......etc.

  • Appearances : Thor , The First Avenger , The Avengers , GOTG , AOU,Infinity War part 1
  • Previous Owner : Loki
  • Current Owner : Thanos 

Reality Stone

The Reality stone, also known as the Aether, is a weapon made out of darkness. Aether is fluid and ever-changing. It changes matter into darkness. This stone can warp reality and has power to bend the laws of both reality and nature in ways previously thought impossible.
After having a conversation with Thor, the Guardians of the Galaxy (except Rocket and Groot) set off to find Thanos on ‘Knowhere’ because the Reality Stone was in the posession of The Collector. When they meet Thanos, Gamora kills him. But unfortunately, that was not Thanos, but merely the Mad Titan warping reality to make it seem as such. This means that he actually had the stone before the Guardians came to Knowhere. Upon taking the stone, Thanos took Gamora and teleported to his ship. 

  • Appearances : The Dark World , GOTG , AOU,Infinity War part 1
  • Previous Owner : Collector
  • Current Owner : Thanos 

Soul Stone 

This stone can be used to peer into someone's soul or manipulate them. It can also be used to steal a person's soul and also has the power to create powerful blasts of energy. The Soul Stone requires a living host body and usually combines itself to the host and controls the host's will and spirit. The Soul Stone pairs well with the Mind Stone and together can achieve feats that are not possible alone.
After capturing Gamora, Thanos took her to Vormir where the Stonekeeper (AKA the Red Skull from Captain America: The First Avenger) tells them that the stone can only be accessed after a personal cost is paid. Thanos kills his daughter and then wakes up with the Soul Stone in his hand, and adds it to his gauntlet.

  • Appearances : Infinity War part 1
  • Previous Owner :Planet Vormir (Location) Guarded by the Stonekeeper
  • Current Owner : Thanos 

Time Stones

Also called the Eye of Agumotto, the Time Stone is an amulet worn by Dr. Stephen Strange. It is an ancient artifact created by the first Sorcerer Agumotto. The Eye of Agumotto and the accompanying Time Stone grants the owner full control over time (past, present and future). It can also be used to time travel and create endless loops.
Thanos sent the Black Order to Earth to find the Time stone and Mind stone. After they battled with Dr. Strange, he was captured. Iron man Spider man followed Black Order's ship to the planet Titan. Though Tony rescued Dr. Strange, they decided to face the Thanos. The trio also met up with the Guardians of the Galaxy on Titan as well. When Thanos came to Titan, a battle ensued. Iron man was captured and grievously injured by Thanos. Just as Thanos was about to kill Iron Man, Dr. Strange intervened, giving up the Time stone for Tony's life. Thanos then took the Time Stone and teleported to Earth, leaving Iron Man as he was.

  • Appearances : GOTG, Dr.Strange, Infinity War part 1
  • Previous Owner : Dr.Strange
  • Current Owner : Thanos 

Mind Stone

The Mind stone is the stone that Iron Man AKA Tony Stark used to create The Vision. Initially locked in Loki's Scepter, the Mind Stone possesses psionic powers such as mind control, telepathy and telekinesis. While in Loki’s Scepter, it powers it to fire energy beams and is also capable of astral projection.
The Black Order failed to get the Mind stone in their first attempt. When the Vision was sent to the Wakanda to separate the Mind stone from his body, a battle took place on the border of Wakanda. The battle was between Thanos's forces and the Wakandan army of Black Panther. It is thus far considered the biggest battle in the MCU. After Thanos's arrival to earth, Scarlet Witch had no choice but to destroy the Mind Stone and along with it, Vision as well. This was because Vision had made Scarlet Witch promise that she would kill him to save the world. Unfortunately, using the new-found power of the Time Stone, Thanos rewinded the time, and brought back Vision to life, only to tear the stone out of his head, killing him instantaneously. With that, Thanos had all 6 stones, and the Infinity Gauntlet was complete.

  • Appearances : The Avengers, The Winter Soldier, GOTG , Age of Ultron , Civil War ,Infinity War part 1
  • Previous Owner : Vision
  • Current Owner : Thanos 

Proofread by  : Mahesh De Andrado
Special Thanks : Damitha


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